The Faces of Meth – Before & After Pictures of Meth Use
The faces of meth is an online photo gallery and blog that showcases the harsh reality of meth addiction.
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Meth Use Is NO Joke
Methamphetamine is a highly addictive and destructive drug that has taken control of many lives. The Faces of Meth is an online photo gallery and blog that showcases the harsh reality of meth addiction. The before and after photos on the site are unedited and tell the stories of real people who have battled meth addiction.
This site also provides insight into the dangers of using methamphetamine and serves as a warning to others who may be considering trying these dangerous and illicit drugs. What we strive to bring to you on this page, is the faces of meth (or “meth face”) are the before and after pictures of mug shots of people that have a crystal meth addiction. If you already have an issue or know meth users we invite you to visit meth treatment centers near you for immediate help.
About Us
We hope to deter anyone from using meth in the first place by showing you what meth use does to a person over time.
But if you or a loved one is already in a situation for help, please use our database of addiction treatment facilities in the USA to find help near you. Your recovery from meth useis important to us and we really care.
Faces of meth also have a wide range of informative articles on a variety of topics, from how to identify a meth addict to various health issues caused by this substance abuse such as meth sores, meth mouth, mental health, skin problems like meth mites. Read our blog right now! Drug addiction is real!
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Lived Changed
What Are Experts Saying About The Faces of Meth?
Many doctors and addiction recovery specialists agree that people seeing the before and after usage of meth use will discourage people from starting it in the first place. If you or a loved one needs meth recovery, please get with us today.
Crystal meth is a very dangerous and popular drug to many people in the United states. Getting off meth is hard and having the right help is crucial.
Jack Coleman
Here is what people have said about the Faces of Meth program:
“I found your information to be incredibly valuable for our students as many of them have experience on different levels regarding this dangerous drug. It is extremely valuable to have someone, as experienced as yourself, come into our school and allow the youth of our community to see the dangers of this drug as well as ways to rid the air of this substance in our dorm rooms …You have inspired many individuals to help put an end to methamphetamine use worldwide, not just in our community” – Teacher
“As an educator, I research, I read and I teach about drugs, but i don’t work directly with drugs and drug users. Unfortunately…i am unable to give my students firsthand information…Your presentation brought the problem of drugs back to a level that was comprehensible and realistic” – Teacher
“For most drug Speeches it seems like people exaggerate a lot, but in your presentation you kind of let the evidence speak for itself” -High school Student
” I know people who have been on Meth and those mugshots hit hard. I am never going to do Meth. It is a pressure I have been faced with but now I am even more educated” – High school Student
” I was bothered about how Meth affects almost everything, and you do what you do makes us want to do something about it too. Thanks for your inspiration” – Student
” One thing that i learned was how disgusting meth, and all other illegal drugs can make your mouth and teeth, and how they hurt your body, inside and out. I liked how you brought examples of real-life cases about people who have destroyed their lives and the lives of others. I think that having this sort of thing really makes people see it and go ‘eewww, how nasty’ and taking them away from the thought of even thinking about trying it” – High School Student
“Showing us…that video of those people that are major meth heads will make us kids not want to try that drug because, just looking at those people’s appearances is not how anyone would want to look like, or how they act either” – Student
“Looking at the people’s faces after months of taking meth showed me so much more then some lecture would have…I loved your way of explaining things, instead of lecturing you showed specific examples and gave precise facts” – High School Student
“Thank you for putting this all together to show other people. I will never try it after watching all of those peoples’ before and after shots” – Student
Featured Meth Addiction Treatment Center
You don’t want to end up like this by using meth. It’s just not worth it. Please get help today to get off this destroying drug.
“It’s crazy how much those people reminded me of my dad and i just found out he was an addict…It controlled his life and ruined our family. I never want to be like him and thanks to you now i never will” – Student